Electronic access control at ALDI - a best practice example

Special times call for special measures: How Aldi is now upgrading to minimize the risk of Covid 19 infection in the technical security area. Official requirements force retailers to control the flow of customers. Up until now, bouncers regulated who was allowed into the store and who had to wait. But the future means: electronic access control.

Electronic control of the flow of customers at Aldi-Süd

Aldi-Süd has been gradually using electronic access control in its branches since summer 2020. Two Video cameras, analysis software and a screen for visualizing the current admission situation are the main components: If the traffic light is green, the customer is allowed to enter. If the traffic light shows red, he has to wait in front of the entrance. The analysis software is based on the principle of digital people counting. Compliance with the current Covid-19 security regulations is logged, so to speak as a "by-product", so that the shopkeeper can use the electronic access control to prove that he has acted in accordance with the authorities at any time. Is electronic access control being accepted by customers in retail? Experience so far at Aldi Süd shows: If the customer sees automated admission control as a sensible measure to minimize the risk of Covid 19 infection, he will not stay away.

Cost-cutting, reliable and flexible - advantages of digital admission control

The traffic light language is international and known even in childhood. Thanks to clear signals, there are no misunderstandings about the admission status for customers and employees. The recognition of customers who enter the shop without the required mouth and nose mask is not standard, but is basically possible. In the event of problems, an SMS sends an alarm to selected employees so that they can address the customer to his incorrect behavior ad hoc. The electronic access control can be controlled centrally for one or more branches. The control system allows an adjustment to the requirements of the legislature at any time: For example, the number of permitted people per square meter of retail space is in constant flux for retail. Electronic access control offers shopkeepers significant savings potential for security staff. In addition, the electronic access control has a synergy effect beyond the times of Covid-19: The logged customer frequencies on different days and at different times of the day, for example, form a reliable database for future personnel planning.

Electronic access control - versatile areas of application not only in retail

The digital access control, similar to the Aldi Süd branches, offers a wide range of uses across all industries: think of shopping centers, pharmacies, drugstores or hardware stores in this context, for example. Generally speaking, electronic access control is an alternative to human door guards that is worth considering wherever the flow of people has to be regulated. Now Aldi Süd is a grocery chain with a number of branches in the four-digit range. But there are also tailor-made individual solutions for electronic access control in smaller dimensions. No matter where you are in the decision-making process automated people counting are up to date: Contact Telsec now and arrange a free, non-binding consultation!

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